Our Plan

  • An NHS plan for now and our future

We’ve secured funding for a new diagnostic centre at NNUH and a new ward at Norwich Community Hospital. I’ll campaign to ensure these are delivered along with the development of Hellesdon Rivers Centre and Aslake Surgery – so that we can have access to more healthcare.

  • Delivering the transport we need

We need to build the Norwich Western Link, upgrade the A47 and invest further in rail infrastructure so that there are more 90 minute train journeys to London. Improving our roads and rail will help people get around – unlocking economic growth for our city.

  • Higher skilled people for higher paid jobs right here in Norwich

We need additional high quality employment opportunities that keep people here in Norwich. That’s why I’m campaigning for the expansion of quality jobs tailored to the needs of local residents - like the many innovative firms in the north Norwich industrial estates and business parks.

  • More housing with the amenities to go with them

New homes must be delivered alongside essential amenities such as GP surgeries and schools. Everyone should have the opportunity to own their own home. I’ll work with local communities so they have a say in the planning process, enabling developers to start construction on stalled sites.

  • Making our streets safer with more police on our streets

Everyone should feel safe in their homes and on our streets. We’ve already recruited an extra 269 police officers in Norfolk. But there’s still more to do. I’ll keep up the pressure for Norwich’s fair share of police resources and will work with Norfolk’s PCC, the police and the councils to crack down on crime.

  • Protecting our environment

This government brought in the Environment Act and I’ll campaign to continue to address issues like illegal dumping, decrease pollution, promote sustainable agriculture, maintain clean water sources and enhance our conservation work - to keep our natural areas well-preserved.